When something goes wrong with our teeth, especially those hard-to-see back molars, it may seem like the best option is to just pull those babies and forget about it. Who is going to be checking [...]
If you have found yourself in need of a root canal, you may be a little anxious about the procedure and the recovery period. We want to help ease your fear by first saying “Root canals are not [...]
If your dentist has told you that you need a root canal, you may be in panic mode. Some people have heard terrible stories about extreme pain, while others have never heard of a root canal and [...]
For our February blogs, we are looking at the root canal process and what you need to know when you are going to see an endodontist for the first time. In this blog, we are going to discuss some [...]
There are many causes of a cracked tooth. Biting down on a hard piece of candy, an accidental hit to the mouth, grinding your teeth at night, large fillings and tooth decay are all possible [...]
Have you recently been told you need to see an endodontist, but you are not exactly sure what an endodontist is or why you need to see one? Let us help you! A Dentist vs. An Endodontist A dentist [...]
Are you facing a root canal in the near future? If so, you are probably wondering what is going to happen, both during the procedure and afterwards, during your recovery. The unknown can be [...]